Google Data Centers

We communicate, live, play and work in a Google world - from our search engine to our email inbox to how we navigate through unknown areas, Google is there.   Aside from browsing and uploading, Google stores data and lots of it.   Google customly designs, owns and operates their data centers in order to be highly secure. From…

Get Google for Work

Originally launched in 2004, Google Apps for Work is a suite of cloud computing (productivity and collaboration) software tools offered on a subscription basis. Aside from being the most popular web service in the world, according to Google there are nine million people using Gmail (May, 2015).  Google for Work is separated into four…

The rise of the Second Screen

Technology users consume content from multiple devices on a daily, and the use of second screens is becoming more common on both personal and business levels. Second screen refers to the use of a second computing device while currently engaged with the initial or another. Second screens are simple to use and highly suggested if you have a need…

Exciting Google Chrome Tab Extensions

Seeing as the ‘new tab’ option is something we view daily, Google Chrome offers tab extensions allow for more appealing and engaging web browser tabs that encourage organization, inspiration as well as assisting with production. Check out our fave four below.   Momentum      Momentum provides breathtaking images daily,…

Project Ara- Practical & Awesome

ATAP (Advanced Technologies and Products) is a division of Google that is in charge of Project Ara. Project Ara is a development effort, which will allow for phone users to swap components in and out of their device as they die, or upgrades become available (as opposed to replacing the entire phone - reducing…

YES Please to Post-It

Mad Hatter’s are uber fans of stickies (aka Post-It notes) - we use them to communicate within the office, self-prioritize daily work loads, note reminders or action items as they come up, as well as jot down terms and ideas during design-thinking sessions.     Post-It was able to eliminate the process of having to take…

Interactive Digital DisPLAY

Interactive digital displays can be as small as mobile tablets, or as big as the largest screens. Individuals interact with technology across a variety of means on a daily basis, but as the world becomes more digitized, interactive digital displays are changing the way we engage.     "Share a coke" proves even…

Mad Apps: Check out our fave cloud based productivity apps

As technology experts and enthusiasts we always get asked, "What would you recommend?",  the answer always is, "Depends on what you need." However, here’s a quick breakdown of some our fave cloud based productivity apps.   The Mad Hatters love Pipedrive for its simple sales management tools and online dashboards.…

Using Drush to work on Drupal sites more Efficiently.

Have you ever built a website in Drupal, then a few months later needed to update some modules, or even worse, need to update the Drupal core? Before Drush existed, you would need to check the available updates,  download each one, and manually install them.  If those module updated changed the database, you would also have to run the…

Tech Gadgets Irish I Owned

Today we all have the luck of Irish, as we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. If you want to make your friends green with envy be sure to check out these innovative gadgets.   1.  Google Glasses allows you to experience augmented reality with a head-mounted computer. It displays information in a smart-phone like format that is hands…

10 Canadian tech starlets you need to know

At Mad Hatter Technology Inc., our team was inspired by International Women’s Day, which has evolved since its inception in the early 1900’s. March 8, the official International Women’s Day, is now celebrated in almost every country, and is a national holiday in many of them. So take a look at these ten talented Canadian Women in…

WebView Easiest On BB10: A single point comparison of native code across four mobile platforms

I was recently tasked with developing a mobile application that would work across BlackBerry 6, iOS 6, Android 2.1 and BlackBerry 10. This was my first time working with BlackBerry 10, and one striking point of comparison has given me hope for BlackBerry’s future. The app was to be built natively (for reasons beyond the scope of this article,…

Pass on Passwords

Did you know you can copy files from server to server without using passwords? Well you can, and here's how.   If you're a Linux sysadmin, you frequently need to copy files from one Linux box to another. Or, you may need to distribute a file to multiple boxes. You could use FTP, but using scp has many advantages. For instance, scp is much…

3 Great Reasons to Create a Site Using Responsive Web Design

We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through your news feed and come across a headline that leads to what should be a great article. Or perhaps you need to do some banking on the go. The problem? The page opens and looks something like this:   Frustrated or indifferent, you either try to wend your way through the site or you simply…

Digital eMotion

 The last of Mad Hatter’s Marketing Technology Series, Digital eMotion, looked at new ways to connect with customers through interactive experiences. From turning cars into video game controllers (as shown above) to dancing with Mickey Mouse, we dazzled the audience with awesome, thought provoking, digital possibilities. Alongside the…

Book Review: The Book of CSS3 - A Developer's Guide to the Future of Web Design

I recently finished reading The Book of CSS3 - A Developer's Guide to the Future of Web Design by Peter Gasston.   The Book of CSS3 uses real-world examples to teach developers the fundamentals of the CSS3 specification, highlighting the latest developments and future features, while paying close attention to cur­rent browser …

Rotating with CSS3

CSS3 allows your to translate, skew, scale, and rotate elements. This puzzle demonstrates the rotate function using CSS3, and a tiny bit of jQuery. To get your elements to rotate, simply add the following CSS to the element: transform: rotate(45deg); -moz-transform: rotate(45deg);  /* Firefox 4 */ -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); /*…

Styling Links with CSS3

One of the great things about CSS3 is the ability to remove more styling from the html and put the styling in the css file which results in cleaner html.   CSS3 introduces three new selectors that can match strings against an attribute value at the beginning, the end, or anywhere within the value. This allows us to style different href…

The Wonder of Christie Digital MicroTiles

We are completely in love with Christie Digital MicroTiles. The design of the MicroTile itself is a engineering work of art that supports simple.   Installation, flexible arrangements of the tiles, and overall excellence that can only be seen as you are installing them.  With the modular design of the components of the MicroTile,…

R.I.P Flash

Traditionally, web designers and their clients had to make a choice: create rich media Flash interactive / animated sites or, build their websites for search engine optimization.   Because Flash files are self contained, search engines like Google were not able to read the text that it displayed. A beautiful Flash website couldn't compete…