
We communicate, live, play and work in a Google world - from our search engine to our email inbox to how we navigate through unknown areas, Google is there.


Aside from browsing and uploading, Google stores data and lots of it.

Google customly designs, owns and operates their data centers in order to be highly secure. From carefully selecting their employees - to the perimeter fencing surrounding the premises - to the video surveillance and guards on site leading up to the super secure access employees have to pass - Google data centers are highly secure and protected 24/7, 365.


Google has given us the opportunity to peek inside, using streetview.



Since the servers that host the data are custom, they include only the necessary materials in order to reduce potential for problems (ie - fire, computer crash, power outage). However, in case of any problems, Google has set us an excellent recovery system which includes emergency backup generators, automatic transfer of files as well as many backups throughout.


Google uses high-performance computers which are constantly running and act as the core of the data centers. Designed with with the essentials, Google even removes unnecessary components to ensure efficiency in their centers.


Get Inside Google



To date, there are 15 data centers located across America, Asia and Europe. Aside from being selectively grouped and replicated, the abundance of information Google has is distributed across many centers, in order to provide protection in relation to system failures.

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