For many of us at Mad Hatter Technology, athleticism runs in our blood. From avid rock climbers to varsity volleyball players, each Mad Hatter has a connection to sport. So when sports teams come up with fantastic social media campaigns, you bet that we notice it!
Here’s our gold, silver and bronze medalists in social media and fan engagement.

Instagram: Takeovers
I absolutely love Instagram takeovers! The beautiful thing about Instagram takeovers is how it creates a beautiful partnership between two groups. It also allows accounts, such as a university’s main account, drive further engagement on a side account, affiliated group or highlighted athlete. These groups, accounts, and athletes bring followers from their accounts that might not have followed your account without the takeover - exponentially growing your reach. The best part? Your communications team can pick up engagement tips and tricks from the takeover.

Snapchat: Filters Forever
When it comes to gathering excitement with snippets less than 10 seconds in length, Snapchat is your new best friend. While the small video clips are a fantastic way of sharing information and surprises with your fans, the filters are where you can engage with fans as they create their own content with your brand. This extends your reach as your fans snap their friends, taking them from knowing you exist as a team to tailgating at an away game!

Twitter: Emoji Hashtags
Whoever first came up with the Twitter Hashtag Emoji deserves a trophy made of solid gold. With a simple emoji, your branding becomes of the highlights of the tweet. Super fans, who are already tweeting, get an added bonus of having a team symbol in their message. However, the big win is the number of new fans and non-twitter users going to that channels to specifically use that hashtag to support their team, thanks to the fancy new hashtag. This is the hashtag that keeps on giving!