A New Take On An Old Org Chart
At least within our corner of the world, we have redefined the classic organizational chart. The classic visual showcasing by its very visual the ‘top down’ view of those viewed as the most important people at the top of the company and those felt to be lower in rank or role at the bottom.

In most cases, the vast majority of the rest of the very important people working for the organization are not even represented at all. With our collaborative culture, we made sure our view of our organization was different.

We have a unique culture and creative way of looking at the world, and this is captured in the way we have structured our organization. Within the culture of our company, we greatly value and respect each other's talents, contributions and expertise.

The teamwork and interdependence in our company begins with our clients, and moves towards our support services, which are at the heart of our organization. Without the people working in the center, or the clients we serve at the top, the organization as we know it would not exist.

If you do not have hierarchy, to us it does not mean you are flat. Who wants to call themselves a flat company anyway? In fact for us, our non-hierarchical structure means we are the exact opposite - we are connected within our company, and to each other and within our view of our organization by our concentric circles ~ we are always connected, and in fact interconnected.