
linkedinStrategyLinkedIn is a professional network used to research and connect with people as well as companies. LinkedIn encourages and requires honesty and transparency, as profiles are viewed by known and potential associates. 
There are many features of LinkedIn including;

*suggestions to connect with people or who has viewed your profile
*an advanced people finder, as well as group or direct messaging
*sales reinforcement and polls in order to obtain information or feedback
*ability to generate offers​ and create advertisements
*opportunity to reconnect with past associates, build new relationships, increase networking and view competition

Don’t endorse what / who you don’t know, let connections mingle and be direct / courteous with other members.


LinkedIn accounts provide assessment on strengths, weaknesses and assets which are beneficial for product and marketing path development. LinkedIn assists individuals and companies with getting found and building communities. Leads are generated by promoting and sharing links, and recruiting talent as well as business promotions and campaigns are best when delivered by word of mouth. Use LinkedIn to build rapport and trust with peers, while get to know people behind positions (research before meeting).

Do: Regularly nurture relationships (make effort/reach out), turn off notifications when updating profile (so others don’t see every change), send valuable welcome message to new connections, make your contact list open to connections, introduce connections to each other (if will be beneficial/gain referrals),keep profile public in order to network and connect with as many people possible and respond to messages promptly
Do not: Send spam, over-post, comment negatively, post self-serving content in groups, ask people you don’t know for recommendations or endorsements, ask for Facebook likes, send messages to multiple people (without un-selecting other recipients being to see)

EtiquetteWhen reaching out to connect with others on LinkedIn, make sure to personalize your connection and recommendation requests as you are more likely to receive a positive responses/actions than if you were to send a mass request or attempt to add every person you come across. Fill out your profile entirely, including a profile picture in order to appear polished and professional. LinkedIn content should always be business related and qualified.

Tips: Make sure your profile is detailed and includes a proper profile picture, inform others who are you and why are you unique, have public profile so it can reach larger audience, know contacts before adding them, recommend others in order to receive recommendations (what goes around comes around). Don’t over post, join groups to expand networks, reuse and re-purpose content, have many connections (expand network and others think highly of you), make use of the resume builder tool (turns profile into a resume quickly), export connections into other contact managing systems, and remember to stay active.

pinterestStrategyPinterest is a social site where ‘pinners’ are able to share good content along with beautiful images and valuable data. Users are able to;

*partner with other 'pinners' and promote each others products or services
*create a ‘show off’ board which can be used to collaborate/review 
*contact other ‘pinners’ with direct messaging
*increase website traffic and brand awareness

Remember to make content pinnable and encourage users to click through your board. Be consistent, have surprises, boost engagement, and always link pins back to original source.

One should figure out what their goal for using Pinterest is (who you want to target and why; is it to drive traffic? increase sales? build an audience?), and then work towards creating their audience. The purpose is to post pins that are interesting and related to company products and/or services in order to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to the company website. Pins can be funny, informative or inspirational, they don’t have to be formal and business like. One could use great imagery along with content to show how to solve a problem, inspire/appeal to others, and promote partners or products.

Etiquette: Always share the pins source, give credit for the pin by sharing the images or post-not just posting them. Attempt to pin little and often (over doing it will make your followers lose interest and boards will become cluttered). Create and participate in conversations and say thank you when someone re-pins you pin. Add descriptions to images, don’t clutter or confuse, don’t post photos from Google (find original source), don’t need to follow everyone that follows you, don't post too large or small of image. Incorporate virtual ‘dream board' in order to have content that is compelled to be shared. Remember, think visually.
Do: Increase audience by giving stuff away (products or tips), use multimedia content, express expertise, pay attention to pin placement, create a social online shopping experience, highlight strengths, and being irresistible with idea and goal of being re-pinned.
Do not: Download other users images and post as your own. Refrain from posting negative content or leaving negative or controversial comments
TipsPinterest is a permanent visual expression of who you are or what you’re offering; the goal is to generate buzz, enthusiasm, and anticipation that can lead to potential sales.  Create an engaging profile by having a content plan and using hashtags, keywords, and high quality images when you post. Be social, participate in collaboration boards, re-pin, along with responding and engaging with other ‘pinners’.

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