
Ideas can often be stalled or not let outside the box by the risk averse. Sometimes, but certainly not always, these are left-brained individuals.


However, if left and right-brained thinking works together, either in the capacity of one individual or leader, or within a team; or if a left brained leader has a skew of right brain risk and creativity, innovation can be inspired.

The right brain, risk taking team members don’t mind challenging the status quo. They take those in the trenches who say “this is the way we have always done it,” and move people to, “just because this is the way things are done now, doesn’t mean we can’t do things differently.” And when those who challenge the status quo dare to think differently, and then bring on board some left brained brilliance, real innovation happens.

Apple has defined this left and right brain combination more beautifully than I think any company in history. Apple products are perfectly technical (left brained brilliance), and technically simple (right brained creative user interfaces and simple yet innovative product innovations like magnetic power cord connections). Apple leadership inspired left and right-brained synapses and energy, and this combined thinking created innovation. And while we can’t all be Apple, this traffic signal exemplifies there are clearly ways we can blend this type of creative thinking, within the leadership of our companies, into our products and services, and within our lives. So we at Mad Hatter Technology Inc., dare you to think differently.

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