
Marketing campaigns have the ability to draw us in while at the same time creating or tapping into existing emotions of the audience engaged. While there are many different purposes to create campaigns (awareness, prevention, assistance etc), with the end goal being to reach as wide of an audience as possible, compelling them to engage in and share content created. 

Top five emotional campaigns of 2015. 

1. Humans for Humans, Raising the Roof

This campaign placed focus on ignorance individuals have surrounding homelessness. By having select individuals who've experienced homelessness read negative, harsh and false tweets regarding being homeless, Raising the Roof was able to target an international audience with the goal being to diminish assumptions and stereotypes of about those who are homeless - showing they are just as humane as those fortunate enough to be homeowners. 


2. Look At Me, Women’s Aid & Ocean

The 'Look At Me' campaign focused on violence against women, and how society must not stand by in silence while domestic violence continues to occur. By positioning a facial recognition camera on top of a large billboard with an assaulted women on it, when it detects faces looking at it, she begins to heal. People must pay attention in order to proceed in making progress - point, proven. 

3. Who Will you Help?, Government of Ontario

The Government of Canada created a campaign to draw focus away from victims of sexual harassment in order to place it on those who stand by and witness it. By encouraging intervention and prevention of members of society when witnessing sexual harassment, the message that 'doing nothing is, doing something' rings clear.  

4. Choose Beautiful, Dove  

As usual, Dove has done it again with the 'Choose Beautiful' campaign, which was created to show how beauty is a choice. By placing signs that read beautiful' and 'average'  above doors and turnstiles where individuals entered and exited, giving women the choice to walk through/under what they felt applied to them. This campaign allowed us to see how many women do not see, appreciate or understand their beauty. Beauty isn't reserved for supermodel and sunsets or based on looks, beauty is in you and what you see.


5. #LikeAGirl, Always

#LikeAGirl became popular viral campaign which was created to address negative stereotypes and biases surrounding females. The hashtag #LikeAGirl was used to put a positive connotation on the negative references usually used in relation to 'like a girl' (ie: "She throws like a girl".). Instead of suggesting girls have limits, #LikeAGirl created confidence in doing things like, a girl.


Follow up with Mad Hatter Technology next week to view our fave awareness campaigns. 

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